Mark your calendars and tell your friends! New England's only outdoor Pro Motocross National and the biggest party of the year happens on Saturday, June 28th! All the ticket details are at our Universe ticket page
Effective immediately per order of our insurance company, any minor riding an open practice, taking a motocross class or racing at The Wick 338 must have the 2025 Minor Release signed and notarized by both parents! We know this is a huge inconvenience and we wish we didn't have to enforce it but our hands are tied, we have no choice.
If both parents are present at the track they may sign the form in the presence of a track official who will have to check IDs.
If one parent will not be able to make it to the track they must sign and have the form notarized and then the other parent can bring it with them to the track where they can sign it in front of a track official who will have to check an ID.
There is a box to initial for sole guardians
When filling out the Minor Release enter a date range of March 27 until December 5th to be covered for the year. All parents who bring a release dated that way will be given a card stating that they have a release on file and will not have to bring a new one at every event.
We are sorry to have to do this and we thank you so much for your cooperation.
This DOES NOT eliminate the need for at least one of the parents or guardians to be present at sign up for the minor.
If your child will be attending and riding at an open practice, a motocross school or racing at The Wick 338 with another adult both parents must sign and have notarized the Guardian Form appointing a legal (over 18) guardian for the day.
Please bring your membership card (NESC NEMX, MSC, J-Day, AMA etc.), your ID and your insurance card with you to sign-up. We hate to be requiring all this but the insurance companies are getting stricter and stricter with their rules, sorry for the hassle and thank you for understanding and helping out.
• Enter at your own risk
• Appropriate wristband must be worn at all times
• No drugs or alcohol
• No roping off areas
• LIABILITY WAIVERS must be signed by everybody on the premises
• MINOR WAIVERS must be signed by both parents either in the presence of a track official, or notarized
• MINORS must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian
• NO FIRES – MEANING – NO FIRES – Per Southwick Fire Department
o NOT ALLOWED – two wheeled vehicles with throttle capability (gas and electric included) and ATV’s
o ALLOWED – Golf Carts and Side By Sides
▪ Operator must be at least 18 years of age
▪ Operator must have a current and valid driver’s license
▪ Liability insurance must be presented to track staff
▪ Maximum speed – 10 MPH
▪ Vehicles are restricted to the pit area and to and from the Start Line
▪ Vehicles are NOT allowed on the race track or within the track fence
▪ OPERATION PROHIBITED outside of pit area, on the Gas Line, Wooded Area, near the Legion Building, Legion Rd and the Rec Center Fields
▪ Vehicles with proper lighting are allowed to be used until 10:00 PM
▪ Racers are allowed to ride their race bike to and from the start line – with helmet – no double riding
▪ Power assist E-Bikes and peddle bikes are allowed – all ages – Building of jumps or reckless riding prohibited – helmets recommended
• TRASH – Either take it home with you, or deposit it in our dumpster
o Do not leave TIRES behind
o Do not leave FUEL or OIL cans behind
o No admittance past track fence
o No admittance to first turn
o Mechanic’s Area is to the LEFT of the Start Line – Not First Turn
• Well-mannered PETS must be on a leash at all times – post relief cleanup is mandatory
• Quiet time id 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM
• Nothing larger than a 5 gallon fuel can allowed
These rules will be strictly enforced. Thank you.